Monday, March 5, 2012

empty carton

I just polished off the rest of the container of Ben and Jerry's Americone Dream. Last night I started my way through it and was a little embarrassed to notice how much seemed to slip away without any real effort. I stuffed what was left deep into the freezer to save for another time.

Tonight was another time. I didn't even pretend to argue with myself--beeline for kitchen, fumble in the drawer for a spoon (any size, doesn't really matter), reach and grab in the freezer, plop down in a chair.

It didn't last long. Now the empty carton is sitting there, looking at me. I think it's wondering if I dare check out its friend...the container of Phish Food Husband bought for himself. The one that was not nearly as light as mine after our treat last night. Not on of my favorite flavors...but still.


  1. I love those small ice cream containers but it is easy to eat more than one serving - was just wishing I had some ice cream tonight :)

  2. I haven't had ice cream since I started Weight Watchers a couple years ago...but I think I can already hear Ben and Jerry calling to me!

  3. Now I can go to bed tonight! You have sliced. Ah, I don't have ice cream around the house--I would eat it all, too. Those were the days when I was younger and I could indulge. I wonder though what those flavors taste like???? I think I need to re-educate myself!!!

  4. If there is ice-cream at home it is for eating. I never argue with myself when it comes to ice-cream or chocolate.

  5. I always love when you talk about ice cream, chocolate, or cookies. No shame, Ruth, no shame! You are just the voice for many others who are too embarrassed to share their love (or obsession!). Thanks for sharing, friend.

  6. Were there cookies in it? Because, you know, if there's cookies in it, it would probably qualify for breakfast.

  7. You are a woman after my own heart. Ice cream is the best ever. I love the part where you said, "I didn't even argue with myself."
