Monday, March 19, 2012

Blank box

When I logged on to slice tonight, I stared at the empty post box. It started back. The blinking cursor seemed to dismiss one thought after another, "nope, not that, or that, or that. Nope, not that, or that, or that..."

There were a few not-so-great things about today, but there were also quite a few pretty great things. I just do not want to write any of them down. I'm not feeling down or frustrated or worried about not having a slice-worthy topic. I just feel like letting the events of the day be what they were, when they were. I want to just let them be. So that's what I'm going to do.

Tonight I realized that sometimes, even if you're trying to live a writerly life, it's ok not to document or list or capture. Sometimes we can replay the slices of our days or the lists of our lives just in our heads--and not write down a single word of it. 

So my writerly choice tonight is to stick with the blank box and the dismissive cursor. Yep, I'm good with that.


  1. That's how I feel right now thinking about tomorrow's slice! Well said!

  2. I love this post because you've been able to articulate exactly what I was feeling today!

  3. "Sometimes we can replay the slices of our days or the lists of our lives just in our heads--and not write down a single word of it." Perfect.

  4. I'm good with that too.

    Of course most of what you do, I think is pretty good. :)

  5. You are so right, and I need to give myself permission to do that.
