Friday, March 1, 2013

You know you're in trouble when...

You know you're in trouble when you can't find inspiration in a quiet morning, just-brewed coffee, and a doughnut from the local bakery.

Even after you've promised one young writer that this year you will help her create an online space to share her writing, you begin to worry that your own enthusiasm is missing in action.

Once you fired off not one, but three email reminders that it's that time of year again, you start to question the wisdom of reminding others who are going to ask about your work.

The panic though, settles in when you open the computer and there it is--the blank box and the blinking cursor, mocking you.

You know you're in trouble deep when it seems logical that you must have left the ideas behind when you crawled out of your warm bed, so you get up to back to find them.


  1. Never leave the warm bed too early. ;)
    You may have left some precious thoughts behind, but some came with the doughnut and the smell of the coffee. Happy writing!

  2. Don't you just hate it when those monsters raise there ugly head and taunt us. Remember you are more than your fears, more than your doubts. Write about what is stalking you in your head and heart. Sometimes after I do that it helps me move on. Remember you are among friends.

  3. Glad to see you here, even if you think you have no inspiration, because you do. I know you will take a close look at life and there will be so much to write. You've done this before and you can do it again. :-)

  4. Just seeing 71 posts already, my heart starts to race. You are on it, Ruth! I think feelings are endearing posts. In my robe, I will begin--thanks for the encouragement.

  5. Isn't it amazing how we feel driven to write as much for others as for ourselves at times? Whether you felt the inspiration or not, you wrote. Revel in that accomplishment. Repeat.

  6. So glad to see you are back. And YES it is ok to enjoy a day at home, no matter what the reason.

  7. I've been going through this very thing in the last few months. Always seemed like I had nothing to write about. I'm hoping writing every day will get me back on track!

  8. Your words are so warming because we all feel it. But writing every day opens your eyes wide and some how their stories be there. Waiting to be shared.

    Happy writing Ruth, and I'm so glad you are back on the sofa!

  9. No pressure, but I have been anxiously awaiting your return to the slicing world! You write more skillfully about the process of developing ideas than anyone I know. And you always make me chuckle along the way.

  10. I'm glad you are writing. Wasn't sure if you would surface this year. I think this March will restore your soul.
