Thursday, March 21, 2013

March (is) Madness

March made indeed be what madness is all about.
On the first day of spring, I woke to cold and blustery winds and snow on the ground and in the air. With less than a week until spring break, kids at school watched out the window as thick snow fell faster than moral when they realized it was too cold to go out for recess.

Spirits are high as tournament time starts. The opening games are a mix of expected domination and unexpected upsets. Games are close then blowouts and everyone roots for teams they know nothing about for the sake of their brackets being right. TV, phone and internet keep us all plugged in and from down the hall groans or cheers are heard close on the heels of the alert chimes of smart phone apps.

At school, March is no man's land. Too far from the end of the year to be excited, but long past memories of the long winter holiday break. Just as we get to start school mornings with at least a bit of sunlight, daylight savings plunges us right back into the dark, and the light-later-than-usual evenings are still too cold to venture out in.
March is madness all around.


  1. You know what else is madness? Last year at this time I sliced about saying hello to an old friend, my bike. can you imagine me even thinking about getting my bike out yet? nope! The snow/cold is literally killing my spirit over here...

  2. You have captured the madness everywhere. Besides the games (which interrupted my favorite Thursday night show), the weather, darkness, and school are crazy. It's interesting how the basketball games have created awareness of craziness elsewhere.
