Monday, March 18, 2013

Nephew and Nonner Mommy

Tonight I went to my oldest nephew's senior music recital. To say that he's a talented musician is an understatement. Nephew can play just about anything within a few minutes of picking it up. Next fall he'll head off to college to continue to study music. He's going to love it.

This is the boy who I held in my arms for the first time not long after we discovered Oldest was on his way. The boys grew up together. Nephew and Oldest were quite a pair, and have come so far since the days of banging on pots with wooden spoons and playing a mean Barney Banjo....for long periods of time.

When he was very young, Nephew called me Nonner Mommy....he already had one mommy...I was the "nother"one. Tonight as he collected congratulations from assorted friends and family, I reached up to give him a hug and tell him what a great job he'd done. A voice much deeper than it used to be replied, "thanks Nonner Mommy!" I'm not sure which of us had the bigger grin.


  1. Nephew couldn't have said something better! What a special moment for both of you.

  2. What a sweet story! I am so glad you captured this precious moment. I hope to have a similar story to tell later in life about little J!
