Saturday, March 16, 2013


I alone in the house.
Let me say that again--I am alone in the house.
I have been here all by myself for just over 2 hours. I cannot remember the last time this has happened for more than a few minutes.
I watched basketball, but it seemed like too much noise and too much action. Life has been that way pretty much all day every day for a long time.
So I turned it off, much as I wanted to see who won. I'll check it out on Sports Center later.
I took a bath. I read. I put on the softest clothes I could find. I almost didn't slice because the sound of clicking keys seemed intrusive somehow. The only sounds are occasional creaks from around the house, distant rumbles of car or train engines,  paper rustling as pages turn, and the sounds of my own breathing.


  1. Nice, isn't it? I hope I said that quietly. Quiet is golden.

  2. I am whispering. Thank you making a little noise and typing.

  3. I agree with Michelle! Sometimes that quiet is so nice!

  4. What a rare occasion, savor it.

  5. Glad you got a quiet evening to yourself. Refreshing, no?

  6. I'm there with you. I remember being alone in the shower was the best I could do when the kids lived at home. I can tell that you enjoyed it because of the "Shhh...."

  7. i'm glad you are alone.

    (i'm using only lowercase because i think they are quieter.)


  8. Love the silence. It has a whisper of its own that renews our souls.
