Tuesday, February 1, 2011


The snowing and blowing have started here, and I must admit to a little disappointment. Not because of the weather; because it's dark and I can't see it. I love to watch the snow--all sorts of snow. Last week, I read Cynthia Rylant's Snow to the kids at school and we spent several minutes reminiscing about past snowfalls and whether they were blowy and fierce or soft and feathery, flakes large and fluffy or small and stingy. Of course, my memories outnumbered theirs by a good bit! 
I don't know why I feel compelled to drop everything and watch it snow. But I do know that I've lost countless hours in my life silently gazing out windows, mesmerized by it. I can hardly wait for sunrise...


  1. I have a friend who would take her children out into the first snowfall of the season no matter when it was happening...middle of the night, middle of dinner, whenever the magic happened. They would bundle up and do a full hike into it.

  2. It helps to see the beauty in each season, especially the longest one of the four! Don't you just love Cynthia Rylant's writing?
